day of full of laughter



    约了方姐姐,很想念她,在电话里就和她聊的非常开心,她还是老样子,幽默的不得了。见面了,又热情不得了,我就是禁不住地喜欢她人好,善良又单纯,直率又豪爽。她的桌球技术还是一级棒,可是我这徒弟已经很久没碰球,退步不少了,Andy同学打地也很在行,他还挺识相,把方姐姐叫master. 哈哈。晚上更high,到钱柜去唱歌,这可是Andy 点名要求的。要看看这老外如何在西安的KTV里一展歌喉。连钱柜也变了,自助餐远没有当初那么好吃那么多了,听说西安又开了家更好的滚石,真是后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强啊。方姐姐不愧是玩家,会唱的歌从70年代我们出生前的古代歌曲,到最新的年轻歌手从没听过名字的新歌,包罗万象,题材众多。Andy同学也是个麦霸,英文儿歌到摇滚,还有SHE的“super star, 陶哲的“今天你要嫁给我”。哇,这可是我近一年多第一次唱K 了,真是太怀念了。也发现自己完全out了。会唱的还是那么几首。总之,很开心,还有方姐姐的两个朋友,我们五个人足足唱了四个小时,真是过瘾。不知是什么错误预报,竟然预报晚上会有7级大风,因为受台风影响,这可是从没听说过的。西安南面秦岭,什么大风大雨早被山脉挡住了。不过为了安全起见,还是早早回家为妙。

a China-lover Christian

From our point of view, the Bible is part of God’s total revelation to man. God reveals himself through creation, the beauty of the world. The whole creation speaks of the glory of God and the power of God. So when one looks at creation, you get a picture that God is almighty, that he loves beauty, that he is creative, that he also enjoys himself because of all the birds and the fish and the amazing things in creation. And secondly, God has revealed himself personally. In the Book of Colossians, it says about Jesus Christ, “He is the visible image of the invisible God.”


And my own conviction, of course the conviction of all Christians, is that the Bible is inspired by God, even though the authors wrote freely, God overruled—if you can use that word-so that the end result was what God wanted us to know about him. And this is profoundly logical. Because if God is a personal God, we believe that he created us humans so that we could relate to him.


But if you know God, then you have a point of reference. Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? So there is a sense of history: where is my origin? There is a sense of purpose: why am I here? And a sense of destiny: where am I going? What is the future?


We get every emotional when we think that Jesus, the Son of God, would die for us.


Forgiveness has to be the highest level of spiritual development, I think. Because as you read in the Bible, it says, “God so loved the world that he gave his only one and only Son; that whoever believes in him should not perish or be punished but have eternal life.” So God had that dilemma with us human beings.


God as judge has to deal with us harshly because we’ve broken his laws. But because God also is love and he’s a loving Father he found a way to forgive us judicially. And that’s the mystery of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Because it was God taking upon himself the punishment that the human race deserved so as to be able to forgive us and make us new people. It’s a profound thought. But that’s what the cross is about.


Jesus said, “If you will open your heart to me, I will come into your life, forgive all your mistakes and all your sins, give you peace in your conscience. I will send my Spirit into your life. I will give you the assurance of eternal life. I will answer your prayers. I will guide your path. I will bless you in every way. I will set you free from vices that you may have secretly.


So, true Christians do not hide inside a church building. They are actually scientists, professors and research people that are involved in all areas of life, in the economy and in politics. There are people who are believers in all walks of life.


As a believer in Jesus Christ, I feel religion is closely related to society and our daily life. For example, Christ has a direct bearing on social stability because a true Christian will respect those in authority. Christ has much impact on intellectual pursuit and eternal life. Christ provides answers to such questions as “Who am I?” “Where do I come from?” “Why am I here?” “Where am I heading?” and “What is the aim of my existence?”


Religion is man’s effort to find God. Christianity does not call itself a religion. True Christianity is a relationship, a personal relationship with God himself. Really, a true Christian presents Jesus Christ as the way, and if offers that way to everybody around the world. But it doesn’t force a person. You are free to say “no”. And if you say “no,” you are on your own. But I still love you and respect you. We are still friends.


I see millions of Chinese turning their hearts over to Jesus. It has been happening in the last few years. Every generation needs to have a change of heart because a harmonious society cannot come if my heart is evil and your heart is evil and we are clashing with each other. That’s why it says in the Bible, “If anyone is in Christ, you become a new person. The old has passed away and everything becomes new.”


My mother taught me to love China. When I was a little boy, we used to pray for China all the time. And to see China flourishing, it’s amazing. And as a Christian, I think if the foundation of Jesus builds it up, it’s going to be even more amazing.


From my perspective, my dream would be that every Chinese person would find peace with God through Jesus. That’s my dream. Because we all know we are going to die and the interesting thing is that Jesus offers the absolute assurance of eternal life to every sinner who repents and believes in him. He doesn’t expect us to be perfect; otherwise nobody would have eternal life. He offers us forgiveness and then the assurance of heaven forever when we die. I particularly love this verse from the Gospel of John, “The Son of God did not come into the world to condemn the world but that through him the world would be saved.”


Today I was thinking that friends should be honest with each other and sometimes it hurts a little when friends tell the truth to each other. But it’s always for good. And I was reminded of the words of King Solomon, the wisest man in the world. “Better are the wounds of a friend than the kisses of an enemy.” The wounds may hurt a little but it heals afterwards.


      Quoted from “A Friendly Dialogue between an Atheist and a Christian” by Luis Palau and Zhao Qizheng




到家的第二天,去了购物中心,挤公车,忍受难耐的热浪和人群,我突然间很想念温哥华。 不到一个小时,我便从拥挤的商场逃回家。想念温哥华的安静,清爽。










第二天,又是一个惊喜。孤儿院,我的母校。Andy特地带了一些他小时候玩的玩具给孤儿院的小朋友。如今的孤儿院建造的很气派,小朋友们好像住在城堡里。我们了解到很多国际援助组织都和中国有合作,或是帮助孤儿们。World Vision, Half the Sky等等。我对孤儿院的记忆还要追溯的到15年前,小学的时候来参观过,如今完全不同了。小朋友们也得到了更好的照顾。很多都是残疾或者智商问题,然而看着他们快乐的和老师们做游戏,在老师的帮助下做恢复练习,我心中也不住祷告,盼望神的祝福丰富地赐给他们。








只是听说,原来真的在国内无法登录facebook和youtube.现在我可以想象了,特别是读过《Red China Blues》。






一年多后,又一次坐上飞机回家。这次没了那想家的激动,很平静,我一个人上了飞机。有本书在手边,《Back to Jerusalem》。我如饥似渴地阅读。


I was stunned by those Chinese Christians faith. They are my antecessors on faith. It’s such pivotal time for me to reflect on my belief and faith in God.


When offerings are received during house church meetings in China, evangelists sometimes find they have absolutely nothing to put into the bag. So they literally step into the offering bag themselves and unconditionally offer their whole lives as a living sacrifice to the service of God.


They are not only going out into the world with a message, they are living messages. They are absolutely nothing in the eyes of the world, but are sharp arrows in the hands of God.


God never changes. While we are looking for better methods and stronger men and women, God is looking for weak vessels with no confidence in their own abilities. He does this so that his work will be done his way and so that all the glory will go to Jesus Christ.


Satan’s first choice is to cooperate with us. Persecution is only his second-best method.


God has, as always, been faithful to his children.


I want to experience the same pain and suffering of Jesus on the cross, the spear in his side, the pain in his heart. I’d rather fell the pain of shackles on my feet than ride through Egypt in Pharaoh’s chariot.


The Lord always finished what he starts and is always faithful to fulfill his promise.


We shouldn’t pray for a lighter load to carry, but a stronger back to endure!


Success is obeying God. Failure is when we don’t obey God.


There is always something to keep us on the run, and it’s very difficult to sleep while you’re running.


We are concentrating on getting the job done in the power of the Lord. The details of how this happens we leave to the Lord.


If we lose our first love and start to focus on our own needs, our spiritual life will shrivel up and die.


God’s principle is that when you seek to bring blessing to others, your own lives will be blessed.


When you are truly obeying the Lord’s call you please God, and when you are in step with the work of the Holy Spirit you begin to fell the heartbeat of our loving Savior. Your work stops being a chore, and starts becoming a natural overflow of the love of God than has been deposited in your heart.


It always pays to do what the Lord tells us to do. Don’t argue, don’t fight it, and don’t try to work out all the details with your mind. Just do it. That is one mark of a true disciple of Jesus Christ.


If you haven’t discovered something you are willing to die for, then you haven’t yet found anything worth living for.


God cannot use a person who wants a safe and comfortable Christian life.


Ironically, the more we feed our souls without serving God’s purposes in the earth, the more our souls get sick of he food and bloated with information.


The longer a person disobeys God, the colder their heart grows.    


                                                                                  (cited from "Back to Jerusalem", Brother Yun, Peter Xi Yongze, Enoch Wang with Paul Hattaway)


I felt ashamed comparing with those faith giants who are also Chinese yet who suffered and endured for the cause of God. What I’ve been through—loneliness, isolation, spiritual warfare, culture and language barriers—now seem so tiny and petty. They’ve been through brutal persecution, devastating stage of living by faith. And their faith, that is called FAITH! Even though it seemed impossible, seemed too far to fetch, their faith, their hope brought them far beyond human comprehension.


Tears welled up in my eyes; I can’t help confessing and praying to God. I thank him for picking me up when I fell; I thank him for rekindle first love through this powerful book. Souls are heading to hell, how much time we left? Not even we could count. How on earth I’ve been playing the game. It is LIFE and DEATH! My Chinese fellows have such enormous faith and would do anything for the Kingdom of God, even to die for it. What am I whining about? I’ve been too comfortable; I’ve been too disobedient; yet God never abandon me or forsake me. He is been faithful to bring me back to his court, his embrace.




COMPLETELY to you, O Lord!

Angel or Evil?

I ruined everything, everything that has been built up in the process.

Becoming numb, I lost sights. I could have sew the seed for the bright Kingdom; I could have brought life giving precious to people; I could have walk in the light with stunning growth; I could have made a difference in people’s life for good cause.

Yet, everything has been destroyed, by my own bloody hands. What terrifies more is that my heart is becoming hardening and relentless. Standing at the crossroad, I am paranoid, panic, and hesitated to give in and give up.

It’s not just about me, my personal choice. It’s way bigger. I can’t take a wrong step, I can’t! I know it’s gonna be dead end. The last thing I’d love to be is to be a messenger of EVIL!  


In the end, what are we to those ideals we hold most cherished?

Who would they choose under of a listless sun?

The dust draws near, and I stand alone, forsaken, shivering on the wing of time and tide.

As dour eyes pale, struggle gives way to the whisper of a merciful eternal hush, and pain washes numb, laughing steadfast on memory’s shore.  

The dream chooses me, a nameless gray morass, riling where I linger and scream with all my might, so I turn and drift into the endless fog until there is nothing and I remain still.

